Thursday, February 21, 2008

Here today... gone tomorrow!

It feels very odd to know that I'm still here tonight in Bangkok, but tomorrow (well, depends on how you count the 14-hr time difference, I suppose) I'll be back in California... in five days I'll be in Seattle, and in another 10 days I'll be in Fiji! The more places to see the better, I suppose.

In the mean-time, the king came by this afternoon - sadly, he chose not to get out of the car, but I ran into his gigantic (easily 30-40 cars) motorcade passing right in front of me as I was walking around the city! It is a national holiday in Thailand today (something about tonight's full moon being more special than a regular full moon - out trekking guide in Chiang Mai tried to explain why this full moon is so special, but didn't quite get there...), so it probably has something to do with that. Interesting to see the locals reacting to the king - everything on the streets simply shuts down, while everyone (cars, pedestrians) just waits quietly - they really do love their royalty out here!

1 comment:

b mathew said...

Hey dude, hope you had a safe trip. Good seeing the pics and hearing the stories last week.