Sunday, February 17, 2008

Thailand Ultimate!

So, they play frisbee in Thailand too! Well, to be fair, as far as I can tell, it's just the ex-pats working/studying here that play, but they do play! There's a pickup game on Sundays in Bangkok that I couldn't make, but there's also one in Chinag Mai apparently every Saturday afternoon and after a complicated set of flights (both delayed!) from Phuket, I managed to arrive in Chiang Mai around 3 in the afternoon, and with a fair bit of running and asking tuk-tuk drivers to go as fast as possible, I managed to make it out to the local university for the start of the game at 4!

The game was a lot of fun - the locals do know what a zone is, but apparently not a pick! I was pleased to discover that after two months with virtually no exercise, I was still able to run! Throwing and catching is a different matter entirely... I was also glad to discover that ultimate players are the same everywhere - after the game one of the guys was asking if anybody was interested in meeting up for dinner and a game of Settlers... Tempting, but I figured I should try to explore the new city a little instead!


b mathew said...

Whats next on the agenda? Does Thailand seem like the kind of place you could live?

Alex said...

Don't know about living, but I could use a bit more time out here to see Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar... For now, coming back to the States for a week on Friday before heading out to Fiji/New Zealand/Australia