A well running public transportation system, including extensive subway service - check!
Credit cards accepted everywhere - check!
A Thai restaurant across the street from my hostel - check... well, almost. Sadly the restaurant has closed recently.
So it certainly isn't failure to communicate... It does, however, seem as if I'm suddenly not in some South American 3rd world country anymore, as in while I was asleep on my minibus from Argentina, I didn't just cross the Andes, I suddenly ended up in Europe somewhere... As it turns out, this's just what Santiago, Chile is like - certainly the most modern and developed city I've seen on this continent so far. Other signs of almost first worldliness, by the way, include comparatively non-existent crime rate, plenty of English speakers, a place to watch Duke basketball on TV (retrospect: I would've been better off not watching...), and, of course, high prices.
So, after spending a full month in Argentina, and thoroughly enjoying the sights and the people, I have finally crossed over the menacingly toweing Andes and ended up in Santiago de Chile.
Last couple of weeks briefly summarized in pictures:
Late Breaking news update: she was wrong, the Thai restaurant isn't really closed! It is alive and well, and serves an excellent chicken curry. Now, I officially like Santiago!
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